IT was an unforgettable day – celebrating the inaugural Mandela Day among Madiba's peers in the township of Ivory Park, not so far from Midrand.
At least 1 000 senior citizens had a time of their lives as they enjoyed scrumptious breakfast, courtesy of the Gift of the Givers Foundation and the Social Development Department. The day was punctuated by laughter and smiles as the elderly wished their world-renowned peer a happy 91st birthday. President Jacob Zuma led them in singing “For He Is A Jolly Good Fellow”.
The senior citizens wouldn't miss a chance of singing Mshini Wami, but Zuma did not join in the singing. It was so fulfilling being part of the Mandela Day activities with grandmas and grandpas, many of whom bear the burden of being breadwinners (through their pension money) because of the effects of the Aids endemic. There you have it folks... that's how I spent my 67 minutes of the Mandela Day.
Well, my story is nothing out of the ordinary. I spent my 67-minutes attending a funeral in North West. However, coming back to the subject at hand. I firmly believe everyday should be a Madiba Day. There is nothing frustrating than watching other people suffer while we carry on with our lives. Lo and behold, the same lives that we lead are filled with worries, depression and high-stress levels of anxiety. However, all this could be changed if we reached out and helped those in need. Trust me, it works. There is nothing more fulfilling then knowing that its because of you that a township school pupil has shoes to wear everyday to school or they have a jersey to wear on cold winter days. It's a feeling I can't explain. Try it and you'll see and that's my 67-cents worth, folks...
ReplyDeleteSpoken like a true humanitarian!